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Gran Quivria ruins south of Mountainair, NM

On the Road: Gran Quivira

by JHF on July 21, 2010 · 2 comments

in On the Road

These are old Pueblo ruins, inhabited between 1300 and 1670 AD. Located some distance south of Mountainair.

Tim July 21, 2010 at 4:47 pm

This photo brings back memories. When I lived in Albuquerque in the late 70’s I used to spend a lot of time visiting the pueblo and mission sites around Mountainair (Abo, Quarai and Gran Quivira.) I remember the first time I visited Gran Quivira you could walk around the areas that hadn’t been excavated and see black on white pottery shards lying all around. I never picked one up (I hate site robbers), but I often miss not having a small piece of that history to hold. The memories are still clear, though! I was always struck by the rapid change from the high desert plains of the Rio Grande valley, then the rugged Sandias, then the flat grasslands of the Salinas valley.

JHF July 21, 2010 at 10:49 pm

Glad to be able to stimulate your memory, Tim. I know just what you mean about the rapid changes—I saw pretty much the same things on my day-long drive from Ruidoso back to Taos. This is quite an amazing state.

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