Gracias a Dios, we have plenty of agua caliente now! Kitchen sink to right, washing machine left…

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Gracias a Dios, we have plenty of agua caliente now! Kitchen sink to right, washing machine left…
Not as much character as the old one though 🙂
Definitely not, but the old one was SCARY!
40 gal.? I installed a 50 gal a couple years ago, and we rarely run out of hot water. Well, sometimes when all four kids and the wife hits the shower before I do… but not usually.
Actually, I think this is 30 gallons. That’s enough for two!
The old one was scary … reminded me of an old washing machine I had in an appartment when I was very young. One of those with a wringer on the top you operated with a handle. When you put in a few too many clothes it vibrated out of control and used to chase us around the room with the wringer swinging violently.
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