If you comprehend the sociology of this display, you might be ready for northern New Mexico…

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If you comprehend the sociology of this display, you might be ready for northern New Mexico…
Personally, I think it must be the water you all are drinking up there in GOD’s country. What else could explain it? At least it doesn’t appear to have the perfunctory gun rack. What a great video – you track this guy/gal? down and take them to that quaint restaurant you love so much and do a 5 minute interview on their view of the world and post it to your site. Now, that would be worth watching! BTW, don’t get your ass kicked in the process. Let me know what you think. As safer alternate you might want to arrange some beautiful NM wild flowers in the exhaust pipe as your artistic contribution to the gestalt of that Dodge’s ecclectic ass end. Good Luck with your assignment.
C’mon John, you should have figured it out by NOW! It’s not that this person is a walking (and driving) contradiction- it’s merely the end-product of the washboard byways and nighways en Taos. The stickers hold the truck together.
There’s nothing self-contradictory about those stickers. 🙂 I understand it all perfectly. That’s why I put this up as a quiz.
Oddly enough, but the stickers I can read I can also relate to. Perhaps that’s why I’ve always felt New Mexico was “home”, unlike everywhere else I’ve lived.
Thanks –
This post is great! It makes me miss northern New Mexico so much. It took some time of living there to make sense of what some people may consider the cultural contadictions voiced on the rear of this truck. I live in Ithaca, NY presently & can only imagine the reaction and many opinions the local type here would have about this fantastic photo and the culture it represents! :))
Tim, you obviously get it. Maybe I’ll post a blown-up version of that tailgate.
Dana, I hear you! Yes, it takes time to understand all that. To me it represents a commitment to the land, the Earth, to Nature. Guns, water rights, organic beef, and renewable energy all go together in that context. Can’t ask anyone living on the edge of actual wilderness to forego firearms, after all, and some people hunt for food.
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